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Claviere (TO)
Winter School on Metrology and Nanomaterials for Clean Energy 28 January - 2 February 2024
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NETPORE Winter Workshop, Claviere (TO)
PAST Event
Weekly group seminars
During COVID-19 Pandemic, the group organized weekly scientific seminars held online. A group member presented his/her work, an idea, a paper or anything that might benefit from a group scientific discussion. Some guests joined us from time to time to present their research.
Here is the calendar of past events held online during the lockdown:
Prof. Dr. Giampiero Amato, "...sono i difetti a renderli interessanti!" , Thu 04/03/2021
Prof. Dr. Giampiero Amato, "I cristalli sono come le persone…", Thu 25/02/2021
Chiara Magosso, UniTo, "Machine Learning Predictions of Block Copolymer Self-Assembly", Thu 18/02/2021
Giuseppe Leonetti, "Breaking the Quantum PIN Code of Atomic Synapses", Wed 16/12/2020
Dr. Lorenzo Mino, UniTo, "Clean energy from the sun: from green hydrogen to the artificial leaf ", Wed 09/12/2020
Dr. Lorenzo Pattelli, LENS - INRiM, "Passive daytime radiative cooling: literature review", Thu 03/12/2020
Marwan Channab, "Hyperbolic metamaterials for dispersion-assisted directional light emission", Thu 26/11/2020
Dr. Giacomo Pedretti, Hewlett Packard Labs Palo Alto, "In-memory computing with memristive devices", Thu 12/11/2020
Alice Boarino, PhD Student @EPFL, "PLA-lignin composites for sustainable packaging", Thu 05/11/2020
Dr. Sara Nocentini, "Laser writing on liquid crystals elastomers: informal discussion", Thu 22/10/2020
Dr. Daniel Navarro-Urrios, MIND - IN2UB, "Cavity Optomechanics: Recent advances in non-linear dynamics and sensing applications", Thu 15/10/2020
Prof. Dr. Ilia Valov, Fz-Jülich, "Materials, Interfaces and Processes – a Different Perspective on Neuromorphic Computing with Memristors", Wed 07/10/2020
Dr. Sara Nocentini, INRiM - LENS, "Strong Optical PUF", Thu 23/07/2020
Prof. Dr. Paolo Olivero, UniTO, "Single-photon emitters based on color centers in artificial diamond", Thu 09/07/2020
Irdi Murataj, "Hyperbolic metamaterials: fabrication", Thu 02/07/2020
Prof. Dr. Diederik Wiersma, "Thoughts about fully optical neural networks", Thu 18/06/2020
Dr. Gianluca Milano, "Memristive nanowire networks for neuromorphic computing", Thu 18/06/2020
Marwan Channab, "Hyperbolic metamaterials: measurements and simulation", Thu 04/06/2020
Dr. Eleonora Cara. "Molecular interaction with photonic nanostructures", Thu 28/05/2020
Dr. Angelo Angelini, "Light for quantum information technology", Thu 21/05/2020
Title: "Clean energy from the sun: from green hydrogen to the artificial leaf"
WebINAR - Dr. Giacomo Pedretti (Hewlett Packard Labs Palo Alto)
Title: "In-memory computing with memristive devices"
WebINAR - A. BOARINO (PhD Student @EPFL)
Title: "PLA-lignin composites for sustainable packaging"
Title: "Cavity Optomechanics: Recent advances in non-linear dynamics and sensing applications"
WebINAR - I. Valov (fz-jülich)
Title: "Materials, Interfaces and Processes – a Different Perspective on Neuromorphic Computing with Memristors"
WebINAR - P. Olivero (UNITO)
Title: "Single-photon emitters based on color centers in artificial diamond"
WebINAR - D. Wiersma (INRiM - LENS)
Title: "Thoughts about fully optical neural networks"
SEMINAR - R. Joseph Kline (NIST)
Title: "X-ray based dimensional metrology for next generation nanoelectronics"
The microelectronics industry continues to shrink the size and increase the complexity of electronic devices as they follow Moore’s Law. Following the semiconductor technology roadmap to sub-10 nm devices presents tremendous challenges for both metrology and patterning technology. We will start by discussing the development of a small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method called critical-dimension (CD) SAXS for measuring the shape of 3D nanoscale devices such as gate-all around transistors, finFETs, and 3D NAND flash memory structures.1,2 The CDSAXS method is now being commercially developed and evaluated in fabs. We will then discuss new soft X-ray measurement methods being developed to characterize next generation lithographic technologies including block copolymer (BCP) directed self assembly (DSA) patterns and EUV photoresists. Soft X-rays allow resonant contrast based on chemical functional group. We will show how we can measure nm-scale changes in chemistry in organic nanostructures such as BCPs and photoresist. These measurements allow critical insights into the DSA and EUV exposure processes.
[1] Sunday, D.F. et al. (2015) J. Appl. Cryst. 48 (5), 1355-1363
[2] Sunday, D.F. et al. (2019) J. Appl. Cryst. 52 (1), 106-114
PhD Thesis
DISAT Politecnico di Torino
07/07/2019 - Masoud Dialameh
Title: "Fabrication and characterization of reference nano and micro structures for 3D chemical analysis"
Supervisor: Dr. L. Boarino & N. De Leo
Co-supervisor: Prof. W. Vandevorst
Sapienza Università di Roma
PhD Thesis
Politecnico di Torino
06/06/2019 - Eleonora Cara
Title: "Tailored fabrication of nanostructured substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy"
Supervisor: Dr. L. Boarino
Co-supervisor: Prof. G. Spoto
SEMINAR - Milorad Milosevic (Antwerp UNiv.)
Title: "Advances in multiscale simulations of superconducting devices"
While modern experimental techniques are enabling increasingly multifold studies of superconductivity (from in-situ synthesis to transport and scanning-probe measurements), the community has witnessed an increasing gap between the ab initio calculations and those on mean-field levels, and even more to the desired device modelling. At present, the only tool able to address the needed multi-scale modelling of superconductors, nanopatterned into electronic circuitry, are the advanced Ginzburg-Landau simulations. We have recently developed a multiscale approach where first information about fermiology, vibrational modes, and electron-phonon coupling are obtained from first principles for the materials of interest [1], to be subsequently translated into (anisotropic) superconducting properties, that can further serve to properly parametrize mean-field models to capture the behavior of that superconductor in applied magnetic field and electric current.
In this talk, I will review our recent further breakthroughs in that respects, and show realized numerical experimentation on circuits of arbitrary shape (on advanced size and time scale), variable thickness, inhomogeneous parameters, with self-consistent account for magnetic field distribution, the electric field generated under applied current, incorporated heating effects, thus fully characterized behavior of the superconducting condensate in non-equilibrium conditions that reveals physics behind improved or worsened performance of various realistic transport devices [2-4].
[1] J. Bekaert et al., Phys. Rev. B 94, 144506 (2016); Phys. Rev. B 96, 094510 (2017).
[2] L. Embon et al., Nature Commun. 8, 85 (2017).
[3] J. Lombardo et al., Nanoscale 10, 1987 (2018).
[4] R. Cordoba et al., in preparation.
Seminar - Fernando Castro (NPL)
Prof Fernando Castro, Head of Materials Science & Engineering at the National Physical Laboratory, UK.
Title: "Multiscale characterisation for nanoelectronics"
This talk will provide a brief introduction to Materials Metrology at NPL and then focus on examples of multiscale characterisation for nanoelectronics. Novel optoelectronic devices make use of advanced nanomaterial systems, where the nanoscale composition and morphology significantly affects the performance. Despite advances in analytical characterisation methods, such structure-property relationship is very challenging to measure directly.
NPL has been developing a suite of characterisation techniques to measure these materials and devices in situ and with high spatial resolution.
We will cover examples where these methods are applied to solar cells, 2D materials and nanowire based electronics, from macroscopic measurements down to the nanoscale.
Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 5151
Authors: G. Milano, M. Luebben, Z. Ma, R. Dunin-Borkowski, L. Boarino, C.F. Pirri, R. Waser, C. Ricciardi, I. Valov
Master Thesis
Chemistry Department Università degli studi di Torino
10/12/2018 - Irdi Murataj
Title: "Enhanced lateral ordering in lamellar BCP/Homopolymer blends"
Supervisor: Prof. P. Bracco
Co-supervisor: Dr. F. Ferrarese Lupi
Science and Technological Innovation Department
22/10/2018 - Emanuele Moratello
Title: "Studio del meccanismo di dewetting in film sottili di copolimeri a blocchi a morfologia lamellare"
Relatore: Prof. M. Laus
Correlatore: Dr. L. Boarino
ACS Nano, 2018, 12 (7), pp 7076–7085
Title: "Hierarchical Order in Dewetted Block Copolymer Thin Films on Chemically Patterned Surfaces"
Authors: F. Ferrarese Lupi, T. J. Giammaria, A. Miti, G. Zuccheri, S. Carignano, K. Sparnacci, G. Seguini, N. De Leo, L. Boarino, M. Perego, M. Laus