
Scientific Activity:

Irdi Murataj graduated in Chemistry “Cum Laude” at the department of chemistry of the University of Turin in 2018. He conducted his Master Thesis internship, entitled “Enhanced later ordering in lamellar BCP/homopolymer blends”, at the Italian National Metrological Research Institute (INRiM) in Turin, under the supervision of Dr. Ferrarese Lupi and Prof. Bracco. In 2018 and 2019, he carried out a research scholarship in a framework of collaboration between the Applied Science Department (DISAT) of Polytechnic of Turin (PoliTo) and INRiM in a project work regarding the study and development of surface nanofabrication by means of block copolymer self-assembly under the supervision of Prof. Pirri. He is currently conducting a joint PhD in Metrology at INRiM and PoliTo in nanofabrication of in-plane arranged hyperbolic metamaterials by directed self-assembly of block copolymers for metrology and life science.


Phone Number: +39 011 3919 344

E-mail: irdi.murataj at

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